Traditional trout pond in Friuli (Photo: Studer / fair-fish)

First know your fish!

In the freely accessible online database fair-fish database, we collect and systematise existing knowledge about a growing number of fish species that are farmed and fattened in aquaculture. On this basis, we formulate recommendations to practitioners: How can the welfare of farmed fish be improved? Which fish species are best suited to live a good life in captivity? The FishEthoBase also identifies gaps in knowledge and stimulates further research.

Based on this current state of ethological (behavioural) knowledge, the researchers of our partner FishEthoGroup advise interested fish farmers in online courses and on site seminars with the aim of improving the welfare of their fish as much as possible..

Basics for fish welfare

How can we judge whether a fish farm is species-appropriate? We first need to know how a species behaves in its natural environment and what needs it satisfies there and how. In a second step, the existing husbandry systems are to be assessed to what extent they do justice to a fish species and to what extent improvements are possible. This is the task of the fair-fish database.

Ethological profiles of selected fish species: