Trout farming in Switzerland - fishing in Senegal (Photos: Studer/fair-fish)

Animals, nature, and humans

The fair-fish guidelines pursue - as the first and so far only - three goals at the same time:

  • High welfare of the fish in the farm or low suffering in the fishery.
  • Low environmental impact from farming or catching
  • Fair trade for all those involved in farming or fishing

fair-fish is not yet on the market as a label; the guidelines are too strict. However, they set the benchmark for assessing the performance of other labels.


Evidence-based guidelines

Our fish farming guidelines are based on the findings from the fair-fish Database.

Our fishery guidelines were developed as part of our project in Senegal.

Both guidelines are not in use in the sense of a certication scheme so far, they are said to be "too strict". We use them as a benchmark to assess other certification schemes.