My purchase: an active decision

When I buy a certain fish, it is at the same time an appeal to the trade: Product is a success! Order more!

Many consumers are not really fully aware of the impact of their own shopping behaviour. But retailers and restaurateurs don't just offer anything randomly, they orient themselves to demand. So with smart shopping and targeted demand, we can help move responsible products to the forefront —and not acceptable products to the background.

Smart shopping is a strategic action. It helps to change the offer in a way that eventually the responsible product seems closer at hand, even for a less conscious clientele.

Our fish test supports your shopping decision.


Customer pushes retailer

Experience shows that retail chains are the drivers of change in the market. Their marketing decides what is offered. And because every supplier wants to be ahead in the competition for market share, even the pressure of demand from a small customer segment can influence the assortment of goods. All the more so when smart shopping is combined with a campaign.

Sometimes a change can actually happen quite quickly. Here’s the exciting story about the time when the largest Swiss retail chains decided to phase out caged eggs.